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Split Personality: The Story of Pink
Download Ebook Split Personality: The Story of Pink
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About the Author
Paul Lester was Features Editor at Melody Maker during grunge and Britpop and went on to become Deputy Editor of Uncut. He went freelance in 2007. Since then he has worked for the Guardian, Sunday Times, Daily Express, Record Collector, Scotsman and Classic Rock and written books on Wire, Gang of Four, Pink, Dizzee Rascal and Lady Gaga. He writes the Guardian New Band of the Day column and presents a weekly show on Amazing Radio.
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Product details
Paperback: 186 pages
Publisher: Omnibus Press; Revised, Updated edition (December 15, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1780389868
ISBN-13: 978-1780389868
Product Dimensions:
5.1 x 0.5 x 7.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
27 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#205,986 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Pink is one of my favorite artists, every time I see something written about her, I read it. So naturally, I downloaded this to my Kindle and read it asap.First, Mr. Lester doesn't seem to have much inside info about Pink or her relationship with her husband. Most of what is said is recycled or even seems to come from rag magazines. It doesn't seem as if he did a single interview with the star or anyone close to her, it all seems pulled out of other articles and interviews with and about her. Many of his facts don't really seem to jive well with most public resources about Pink, especially in the area of her relationship with other people in her life. He has either not done very much research into his subject, or he's skipping over many very public parts of her life and career. It seems odd that a biography could miss some very important facts. One of the glaring ones, just to mention one for example, is that Carey Hart had a bad accident, Pink went flying to his side and he was pretty cold to her. She has talked about that, both in song and in interviews, her friends and family have mentioned it as a big catalyst for the whole Funhouse album theme and her anger towards him. This book makes it sound like she's just talking about life in general, her words don't really have anything to do with her relationship with Carey. That is disappointing to read, but it isn't the only problem with this book.Next, the whole book reads like a bunch of generic articles tossed together, sometimes repeating themselves for no good reason. Mr Lester has all of her songs listed, rated, categorized and dissected at least twice each. He mentions that this song was at this place in the charts, then goes on to explain that it was at this place in the charts, again. Later, he mentions that along with that song, this song was at this place in the charts. It's redundant and reads like he just wants to add more word count to the book.Also, referencing other chapters, as if we hadn't read the previous chapters, seems really odd, like he feels the need to remind us of what he previously wrote, in case we skipped that chapter. He mentions numerous times that Pink collaborated with Dave Meyers on a number of videos, naming the videos each time, over and over. and over. Again, it seems as if he doesn't think we've read the previous chapters, the multiple times that he's listed those same songs. The whole "she charted at" so many times was annoying, but this made me want to stop reading. I didn't, because I wanted to continue and see if the book got better, or had insight that I hadn't seen before. Not only did it not have more than most other sources, it had mountains of omissions that are readily available, some in interviews with the star herself.It doesn't seem like he cared for Pink or even knew much about her, but he wanted to make lists about her. It lacks depth, it lacks her personality and it lacks, most of all, Pink herself.I don't usually tell people not to buy a product, they should check it out for themselves. I made an exception in this case, this book isn't worth buying or reading. It's a shame, because Pink is such a larger than life woman, she deserves a much better telling of her life and career, one that doesn't involve simply listing what place her album is on the charts or glossing over her marital problems. Her marriage is one reason that she's as big of a star as she is, all of their ups and downs have made her music what it is and gives people a sense of belonging and of hope! That's the only part the author got right, that Pink's music is group therapy for her fans. He should have given that more life and taken her story to a level it deserved.
I really, really, really, wanted to like this book. I love Pink and have been a fan from the beginning. I just could not get past how poorly written this is. To the point it was difficult to read. I've read several books written by authors who basically translated there childhood diaries into books; simple and sometimes with poor grammar, but enjoyable. I struggled with this book the first night, put it down and have had zero desire to pick it back up.
Love her. Book was awesome. Thank you for letting us into pieces of your life
Awful!!! I thought PINK was giving the story....turns out it's narrated.More about her career than herself.Not happy with it at back please!!!!
This is a book that written by the artist I did not find it that interesting
Pink is just wonderful, as an entertainer & as a great mum, really enjoyable read.
Huge fan; love it
OK book. Seems more a chronology of her songs and albums than a life story.
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